Wednesday, September 28, 2011

RSS feeds

I really like RSS feeds. I started out pretty outlets and Irish dance info. Than I found fun stuff like the Onion and Cake Wrecks which piqued my interest even more into RSS feeds. Than I was asked to follow feeds for school...hmmm, not as fun. But I did end up finding some really interesting sites to follow and I haven't looked back since! I really enjoy RSS feeds, it allows me the opportunity to find information quickly without wasting time finding and contecting to all of the sites I really enjoy. Need a laugh go to Cake Wrecks, need info on the lastest library trend go to The Shifted Librarian.
I would love to use this tool in a school setting. I would love for students to use it as a means for keeping informed and up to date with current events but also as a way to express themselves.
Blogging is something that I would love to find time to do! I would love to write about my adventures in Irish dance and librarianship. I would love for it to be humorous and witty. I would love to have millions of followers who can not start their day without reading another of my witty, funny, inspiring posts. I would than like a book deal that takes all of my blogs and puts them in a book, and becomes so popular that they make a movie out of my life and my blog. Hmmm I suppose for that to happen I have to write more often than once a year. I also have to get over thinking I am talking to myself when I write one...I suppose I really am...
I really like blogs, I have followed many of them...until they become wildly popular, they get free products, free trips, and book deals...than I am just jealous. I think it is a wonderful way to view into another person's life and see their point of view. They are often funny, and often sad. I have learned a great deal reading being that my life is not as crazy as some...while others make me incredibly blessed for the life I do have. I think they are a vehicle to express ourselves in a way that isn't offered in other web 2.0 tools.
Perhaps I will dust off my blog and give her another try...stay tuned!